I have been a strong advocate for pet shelters, small business, and cybersecurity. I have been blessed with the opportunity to help found two 501c organizations. I have served on a number of boards and advisory committees including Habitat for Humanity, community groups, residential boards, and pet shelters.

The National Cyber Warfare Foundation


Non-profit – www.ncwf.io

A foundation leading cybersecurity focused advancement globally. Working with cyber range operators like the Cyber Warfare Range, Wisconsin Cyber Threat Response Alliance (WICTRA), and the Georgia Cyber Warfare Range (GACWR) the foundation licenses its technologies, educational content, and subject matter experts to develop new cybersecurity talent and upgrade the skills of existing cybersecurity professionals.

The Cyber Warfare Range


Non-profit – www.azcwr.org

Formerly “The Arizona Cyber Warfare Range”. Offering a cybersecurity playground for hands-on learning of computer network attack, computer network defense, and digital forensics.

Gilbert Small Business Alliance


501c6 – Small Business Advocacy – smallbusinessallianceaz.com

Now known as the East Valley Small Business Alliance, this organization serves the political, regulatory, and economic environmental issues facing small businesses in the East Valley of the Phoenix Metro Area.

East Valley Habitat for Humanity


Public Charity – habitatcaz.org

The Phoenix metro area used to have three different chapters, and philosophies, for building affordable housing. This presented a significant waste in organizational and operational overhead. I was happy to support the merging of these into a single entity. It eliminated my board position, but many more families now have homes as a result.